
  • Nurbaki ÇAKMAK Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
  • Gökhan TAŞDEMİR Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
  • Mehmet KASIMAY Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı
  • Fatma BİLEN Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı


The purpose of this research is to fix the relationship between school principals’ job satisfaction scale and trends of change. The content of the research is formed for the school principals who have been working in Atakum, Tekkeköy, Canik and İlkadım districts of Samsun. In these districts 195 school principals, 446 assistant principals and in total 644 administrators have been working. In the research the sampling has been determined by using Basic Random Sampling Method. In the Sampling of the Research, there have been 114 School Principals, 209 assistant principals, in short 323 Administrators. Personal Information Form, Minnessota Job Satisfaction Scale, Change Trends Scale have been used for the collection of data. Kolmogorov Smirnov Test has been applied for the Distribution of the Job Satisfaction Scale Points and Change Trend Scale Points which are continous variables of the research and the normality of the distributions has been proved for both of the tests. According to independent categorical variables in the questionnaire, unrelated group t-Test  (when the category number is 2) and one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (when the category number is more than 2) have been mad efor checking over the differences between total scale and lower dimension point averages. At the end of the research, school principals’ ıntrinsic satisfaction levels are significanty higher than their extrinsic satisfaction levels. School principals’ job satisfaction levels can be different with regard to professional seniority, task and wage change, on the contrary, there hasn’t been found any significant difference with regard to gender, marital status, branch, Education level Variables. It has been deduced that Administrators are entepreneors mostly in alteration and in the tendency to keep the statusquo and they put up resistance to changing at moderate acute. While the administrators’ ıntrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction are increasing the tendency of believing in the benefit of changing and entrepreneurship on changing are on the increase. While the administrators’ job satisfaction is increasing, their tendency to changing is on the increase, too.

Key Words: School administrator, jobsatisfaction, change



How to Cite

ÇAKMAK , N., TAŞDEMİR, G., KASIMAY , M., & BİLEN, F. (2025). OKUL YÖNETİCİLERİNİN İŞ DOYUM DÜZEYLERİ İLE DEĞİŞİM EĞİLİMLERİ ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ. International Journal of Original Educational Research, 3(1), 54–78. Retrieved from https://ijoedu.com/index.php/pub/article/view/111


