Erken Dönem Şemaların İnternet Bağımlılığı ile İlişkisinin İncelenmesi


  • Mert Kerem OSMANGİL Öğrenci
  • Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Ayça Ferda KANSU Öğretim Görevlisi



This study examines the relationships between early maladaptive schemas, internet addiction, and life satisfaction. With the rise in internet use, internet addiction has become a significant issue, especially among adolescents. Internet addiction is defined as the inability to control internet use, leading to neglect of daily activities and negative impacts on social, academic, or work life. Early maladaptive schemas are cognitive and emotional patterns that develop from unmet basic emotional needs during childhood and persist throughout life. These schemas can play a significant role in the development of internet addiction. Additionally, life satisfaction can influence how individuals manage their internet use; low life satisfaction may increase the tendency to use the internet as an escape, while high life satisfaction may reduce the risk of addiction. Schema therapy emerges as an effective method in identifying and modifying early maladaptive schemas. The findings of this study provide important insights for understanding the origins of internet addiction and developing treatment strategies.

Key words: Early Maladaptive Schemas, Internet Addiction, Life Satisfaction



How to Cite

OSMANGİL , M. K., & KANSU , D. Öğr. Üyesi A. F. (2024). Erken Dönem Şemaların İnternet Bağımlılığı ile İlişkisinin İncelenmesi. International Journal of Original Educational Research, 2(3), 39–46. Retrieved from


